Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Animal House

We are being invaded by many creatures, not just insects. M found himself face to face with a very bold baby lizard the other day (that's the black speck standing on the hat):

We have lizards all along the walls of the house and you often see them crawling into hiding spots in our closet. Houses here aren’t really sealed like American houses and there are no screens on any of the windows so entry is pretty easy.

Kenyans also seem to have opposite opinions from Americans about which animals are “indoor animals” vs. barnyard animals. Many families keep their cats and dogs outside almost as strays but house their livestock (chicken, goats, and cows) inside with them at night. Livestock represent their savings and prosperity while cats and dogs are basically just another mouth to feed. The idea of a housecat or a lapdog is completely foreign to them. And while M agrees with them on the cats, we do miss our Baker boy when we see the dogs all around Diani looking so skinny.

1 comment:

  1. Love the lizard and M staring him down; wonder who won this round? LOL -

    Sad to hear that M still has 'sneaky cat feelings', but I'm sure you all miss Baker greatly and look forward to that reunion.

    Hugs and love,

