Friday, November 19, 2010

Card Games

As a follow-up to yesterdays post, I thought I'd post some videos of the kids using our cards. They're actually less distracted by me shooting video than using my camera because of the flash and they're just so adorable that I love video anyway!

In this first one, they're using the alphabet cards. Many of the stronger ones already know their letters and the associated sounds well but some others don't. For example, Martin can find you a television (under the letter "t") but he'll tell you "'s' for television". Clearly he's not connecting the "t" with the first sound in television. They looooove this game because Mary makes it a story:

We also made cards with words on one side and a picture on the other. The the stronger ones are learning how to spell so we made cards spelling things like "cat", "pot", and "pen" so that they can try to spell and then check their work.

In this one, you can see Keccy counting the stars to find "10" and then flipping the cards to check her work:

Here is Joy, one of our strongest students, using the cards for simple addition:


  1. So cute, those kids! Mary looks and sounds like a sweetie, too.

    love you,

  2. What a lovely posting and such genuine joy and accomplishment in each video! I'm so proud of you, sweet E!

    Love, Mom/L

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