Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shots, shots, shots, shots

No, not the awesome club song that John played for us in Sanibel, I mean actual, with a needle, shots. And mom, please don't look that song up because as M's dad says they don't use "nice talk".

One of our earliest activities in preparation for Kenya was to get our shots in April. We needed vaccinations for Hepatitis, Diptheria, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, and Meningitis. M had already had some of these shots because of working in the hospital but I was the lucky recipient of 2 shots in each arm plus a blood draw to make sure that I had high enough antibodies to some other common pathogens like Rubella and Measles. In addition to these shots, we also got an oral vaccine for Typhoid Fever and a lot of counseling on malaria pills and how we will need of copious amounts of DEET (bugspray on steroids).

Apparently our daily routine will be something like: wake up, shower, apply DEET over every square inch, apply sunscreen over every square inch, and then reapply at approximately 10 minute intervals throughout the day because we're both pretty albino and totally susceptible to malaria. Lovely. Nothing to make you feel clean post-shower like DEET.

The best part, besides getting shots that made me unable to lift my arms for 4 days, was talking about being in Kenya. The doctor in the travel clinic specialized in infectious diseases and had been to Tanzania before to do research. She said that it was a life-changing experience for her and it made us so excited.

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